Prices for white cabbage in Ukraine continue to decrease through the growth of propositions and low water. For the rest of the week, the price of cabbage on average decreased by 20%, and it is lower now, lower in the past year. For the data of analysts of the EastFruit project, all vegetables are sold at a time at a price of 12-16 hryvnia per kilogram, fallow according to the commitment of the party.
Virobniks explain the price reduction by low drink. Wholesale companies and retailers buy cabbage in a large quantity, so they don’t show any particular interest in this sheep.
Also, on the price, more propositions are added to the market, the shards of a lot of states actively began to pick cabbage of medium varieties after the improvement of weather minds.
The average price for white cabbage in Ukraine is 44% lower on average, lower in the first half of the lime in 2022.
Earlier, analysts of the EastFruit project were informed about the reduction in prices for new potatoes in Ukraine. At the same time, Ukrainian pickers will sell this vegetable at a price of 16-24 hryvnia per kilogram.
Zagalom, the reduction in prices for cabbage and potatoes in Ukraine is the result of the situation on the market, de high proposition changing the drink. You may be able to buy more vegetables at a more affordable price, which stimulates their growth and contributes to the market dynamics. The food market continues to recognize changes, and slowdowns can speed up with these trends for the supply of fresh and yellow vegetables at reasonable prices.