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  • Ukrainian blueberry producers create profile association to support industry
    Опубликовано: 2025-03-21 20:10:04

    Ukrainian blueberry producers create profile association to support industry

    Ukraine is increasingly developing blueberry production, and a new organization has been created to support this industry - the Association of Ukrainian Blueberry Producers. This step is designed not only to unite producers, but also to promote the development of the blueberry market in Ukraine, increase exports and improve product quality.

    The idea of ​​creating an association arose due to the need to exchange experience among farmers, as well as to ensure stable market development. The association will include companies and farmers engaged in the cultivation, processing and sale of blueberries. The association also plans to actively work on reducing cultivation costs, increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian products and promoting them on international markets.

    In recent years, Ukraine has become one of the largest blueberry producers in Europe. The production of this berry in Ukraine is growing year by year, and currently the area allocated for blueberry plantings is over 6 thousand hectares. Ukrainian farmers are successfully mastering new cultivation technologies that allow them to obtain high-quality crops and increase the amount of exports.

    According to the latest data, Ukraine exports more than 80% of the entire blueberry harvest, and this number continues to grow. The main sales markets are the countries of the European Union, in particular Poland, Germany and the Netherlands. But Ukrainian producers do not stop there and are working to expand their opportunities for export to other countries, in particular the USA and Asian countries.

    One of the main tasks of the new association is to join forces to solve the problems of the industry, such as unstable prices for berries, difficulties with sales and ensuring a sufficient number of qualified personnel to work on plantations. The association plans to actively work on creating conditions for the stability and development of all participants in the blueberry market in Ukraine.

    In addition, the association intends to conduct educational activities among farmers, providing them with access to modern agronomic methods and support at all stages of growing and selling blueberries. An important step is also the creation of national product quality standards, which will allow Ukrainian producers to enter new markets and guarantee consumers safe and high-quality products.

    Thanks to the creation of this association, Ukrainian blueberry producers will receive strong support for the further development of their activities and the creation of a competitive product on international markets. It is important that this step not only strengthens the country's position as a major blueberry producer, but also opens up new opportunities for the growth of the Ukrainian economy as a whole.


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