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  • Ukrainian grain exports exceeded 13 million tons in the first months of the new season
    Опубликовано: 2024-10-22 13:08:24

    As of October 21, 2024, Ukraine has exported over 13 million tons of grains and pulses in the new marketing year 2024/25 (July-June). According to ProAgro Group and information from the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, the exact volume of exports is 13,017 thousand tons.

    According to the State Customs Service, Ukrainian grain exports exceed last year's figures by almost 4.7 million tons, which is a significant achievement compared to the figures as of October 23, 2023.

    In the structure of wheat exports, 7 228 thousand tons were shipped, which is 3.1 million tons more than in the same period last season. This indicates an increase in demand for Ukrainian wheat on the global market.

    As for barley, its exports reached 1,673 thousand tons, which is 2.5 times higher than last year. This indicates stable production growth and increased opportunities for external supplies.

    Corn supplies also showed positive dynamics, amounting to 3,844 thousand tons, which is almost 500 thousand tons more than in the previous year. Ukraine continues to be one of the leading suppliers of corn to the global market.

    In addition, Ukraine shipped 22.7 thousand tons of grain flour, including 20.6 thousand tons of wheat flour. However, this figure is 18 thsd tonnes less than in the corresponding period of 2023/24 marketing year, which may indicate a decrease in demand for flour.

    In general, despite the challenges faced by the agricultural sector, Ukrainian grain exports continue to show positive results, providing the country with important foreign exchange earnings and strengthening its position in the global agricultural market.


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