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  • Ukraine is introducing a mechanism for verifying the export of agricultural goods for Poland
    Опубликовано: 2024-01-27 16:06:37

    Ukraine is introducing a mechanism for verifying the export of agricultural goods for Poland

    Ukraine, a country with great potential in the field of agriculture, took the initiative and offered Poland a new mechanism for verifying the export of agricultural goods. This initiative is an important step in the development of trade relations between the two countries and helps ensure the quality of products that cross the border.

    The verification mechanism proposed by Ukraine is aimed at increasing the reliability and safety of agricultural products exported to Poland. It includes important quality standards, production processes and risk management, which allows effective control of product quality from the beginning of production to delivery.

    This step will help increase mutual understanding and trust between the agro-industrial sectors of Ukraine and Poland. The verification mechanism will be an effective tool for both countries in solving issues related to the quality and safety of agricultural products crossing the border.

    Not only does this open up new opportunities for Ukrainian exporters and farmers, but it also contributes to the stability of the markets of both countries. Western markets, such as Poland, are important partners for the Ukrainian agricultural sector, and the implementation of the verification mechanism will contribute to their mutually beneficial cooperation.

    The introduction of this mechanism is also an important stage in supporting Ukraine's European integration efforts in the context of rapprochement with the standards of the European Union. This emphasizes Ukraine's commitment to reforms and improving the quality of its products in accordance with high international standards.

    In general, Ukraine's initiative regarding the mechanism for verifying the export of agricultural goods for Poland emphasizes the dynamic nature of the development of trade relations between the countries, contributes to the sustainable growth of the agricultural sector, and is aimed at creating a favorable environment for effective and safe international exchange of products.


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