Restoration of Transcarpathian aboriginal grape varieties: a great work of small winemakers
Transcarpathia is a corner of Ukraine, which is famous not only for its incredible natural beauty, but also for the ancient history of grape growing and wine production. This region has always been known for its rich wine heritage, which has gained recognition not only domestically but also internationally. A real treasury of Ukrainian winemaking is flourishing near Transcarpathia. Unsurpassed wines come from here, which gain recognition not only in the domestic market, but also abroad. However, this fertile land hides much more than we can imagine. Transcarpathian small winemakers are strengthening their efforts with the aim of restoring indigenous grape varieties that are already known but currently grow in nurseries in Hungary.
This mission became a real ice wine for small winemakers of Transcarpathia. Despite the challenges and obstacles, they recognize the importance of restoring these unique grape varieties, which have already become a kind of cultural heritage of the region.
The restoration of indigenous grape varieties is not only a matter of taste and tradition. It is also a matter of biodiversity conservation. Transcarpathia is rich in unique flora and fauna, and crop production plays an important role in maintaining this richness. By returning native grape varieties to their native land, small winemakers help preserve this extremely valuable natural asset.
However, in order to fulfill this mission, first of all, it is necessary to include these varieties in the register of plant varieties of Ukraine. The process is time-consuming and expensive, but winemakers are up for the challenge. Currently, the process of registration of the geographical indication "Wines of Silver Earth" is at the stage of active development and collection of the necessary documentation. This registration will open new opportunities for Transcarpathian winemakers on the world market and increase the popularity of their wines among fans of this noble drink. They conduct research, collect data, and collaborate fruitfully with relevant government agencies.
Transcarpathia has the potential to become the center of wine production in Ukraine and to stand out on the world stage. The geographical indication "Wines of the Silver Earth" will be a key step in this direction, allowing Transcarpathian winemakers to demonstrate their unique talent and unsurpassed quality of their wines to the world.
Transcarpathian small winemakers strive to return to their region a part of its heritage, which for decades was in other hands. They are convinced that this restoration not only enriches the taste buds, but also preserves history and helps preserve the most valuable thing - the nature of Transcarpathia.