05 фев, 18:01
Garlic in Ukraine: Growing Problems and Development Prospects
In Ukraine, garlic traditionally occupies an important place in the agricultural sector. However, despite the high demand for this product both in the domestic and foreign markets, the situation with garlic cultivation in the country leaves much to be desired. Unfortunately, in Ukraine you cannot find many large farms that would be engaged in growing garlic at a high level, and the quality standards of this product often do not meet international requirements.
According to statistics, Ukraine occupies one of the leading positions among garlic producing countries in the world, but most of this product is consumed within the country. Ukrainian garlic, although it has great potential for export, faces problems associated with the low level of technological processes at the stage of growing, harvesting and processing. Because of this, Ukrainian producers cannot compete with garlic from other countries, especially from China, where more modern cultivation methods are used.
One of the main problems is the lack of sufficient financing and investment in the development of the garlic industry. Many Ukrainian farmers do not have access to modern agricultural equipment, which significantly reduces the yield and quality of garlic. The problem is further complicated by the low level of scientific and technical developments in the industry. The lack of support from the state and agricultural institutes also hinders the development of garlic production.
In many cases, Ukrainian farmers do not adhere to optimal conditions for growing garlic, which negatively affects its quality. Violations of agricultural standards, improper storage and processing of garlic lead to the fact that products that do not meet consumer requirements and international standards can be found on the market. This further complicates the competitiveness of Ukrainian garlic, both in the domestic and foreign markets.
Despite these problems, there are also positive trends in the development of garlic production in Ukraine. In particular, some farmers are beginning to introduce more modern methods of growing and storing garlic, and are also cooperating with international partners, which allows them to improve product quality. An important step is also the development of organic garlic production, which has great potential for export, especially to European countries.
The prospects for the development of garlic farming in Ukraine largely depend on whether it is possible to provide access to the latest technologies and increase the level of state support. If these problems are resolved, Ukraine will be able not only to increase garlic production, but also to enter international markets with high-quality products that will meet modern consumer requirements.
Адрес новости: http://agrinews.com.ua/show/341711.html
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