27 янв, 18:07
For the first time in the history of Ukraine, funds for stocking water bodies have been received from auctions for the right to commercial fishing. This was reported by the State Agency for the Development of Land Reclamation, Fisheries and Food Programs.
The funds received are directed to a new budget program, which provides for financing measures to introduce aquatic bioresources into fishery water bodies. This initiative is an important step towards preserving and restoring the ecosystems of water bodies that are actively used for commercial fishing.
According to the results of the first auctions for the right to catch fish in 2025, the state budget received 3.38 million hryvnias. These funds will become the basis for the implementation of large-scale programs for stocking water bodies, which will contribute to both increasing the productivity of the fishery industry and restoring the natural balance of aquatic ecosystems.
It is important to note that the new budget program covers fisheries that are of strategic importance for the preservation of biodiversity and sustainable development of fisheries. Thus, holding auctions not only brings revenue to the budget, but also provides funding for environmental initiatives.
Thanks to this approach, Ukraine joins the world practice of sustainable use of natural resources, where the use of natural resources has a compensatory environmental effect. This mechanism allows creating conditions for the rational use of fish resources and their long-term conservation.
The first results of the auctions demonstrate the prospects of the new approach to financing environmental programs in the fisheries sector. It is expected that in the future, revenues from auctions for commercial fish catch will increase significantly, allowing the state to more effectively implement programs for the protection and restoration of water resources.
Адрес новости: http://agrinews.com.ua/show/341632.html
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