How to properly harvest firewood for the winter to avoid fines: what you need to know

16 дек, 17:18

How to properly harvest firewood for the winter to avoid fines: what you need to know

Harvesting firewood for heating in the winter is an important stage of preparation for the cold for many Ukrainians, especially in rural areas. However, few people know that the process of harvesting firewood is regulated by law, and incorrect compliance with the rules can lead to fines. Let's find out how much firewood can be harvested without violations and what rules you need to know to avoid sanctions.

First of all, it is important to understand that harvesting firewood for your own needs is legal if it does not violate the Forest Code and other regulatory legal acts. Ukraine has clear regulations on how much wood can be cut down for heating within the framework of personal needs. For this, there is a special category - "personal needs", which includes not only the harvesting of firewood, but also other needs, such as repairs or construction.

According to current legislation, you can harvest up to 10 cubic meters of firewood for personal consumption without violations per year. This amount is limited for each family in order to avoid a negative impact on the country's forest fund. It is also important to remember that this volume applies only to firewood that is harvested within private property or on lands owned by citizens for personal needs. In the case of harvesting on other lands or in forests, a special permit must be obtained for this.

If a citizen exceeds the harvesting norm without the appropriate permit, this can lead to serious fines. For citizens, the fine can range from 510 to 1,700 hryvnias, depending on the violation. For legal entities, the fines are much higher - they can reach up to 34 thousand hryvnias. Therefore, it is important to remember the responsibility for violating the rules.

In addition, it should be noted that there are special forestry enterprises in Ukraine that are engaged in the sale of firewood. If you want to buy firewood for heating, contact official suppliers who are engaged in the trade in wood with permits for its harvesting. This will avoid any misunderstandings with law enforcement agencies and provide yourself with high-quality fuel for the winter.

Another important point is the correct execution of documents if you want to prepare firewood on your own land plot. Landowners must obtain permission to cut down trees, even if the trees grow on their territory. To do this, you need to contact the local forestry and obtain the appropriate documentation. If permission is not obtained, the cutting down of trees may be recognized as illegal, and the person who carried it out will be held liable.

In conclusion, we can say that preparing firewood for the winter is an important and necessary matter for many Ukrainians, but it is important to do it within the law. Following the rules will not only provide yourself with fuel for the cold season, but also avoid fines and troubles with law enforcement agencies.

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