04 дек, 22:12
Rising prices for borscht in Ukraine: What influenced the increase in the price of products
A significant increase in the price of traditional borscht has been noted in Ukraine. The cost of the main ingredients for preparing this popular dish has increased due to several economic factors. According to recent studies, changes in the prices of vegetables and other products have significantly affected the cost of borscht, making its preparation more expensive for Ukrainians.
In particular, the cost of main ingredients, such as potatoes, cabbage, beets, carrots and onions, has increased compared to last year. Thus, the price of potatoes has increased by an average of 10-15% compared to the autumn of last year. This product, which is one of the main components of borscht, has become significantly more expensive due to adverse weather conditions that affected the yield. In particular, the low amount of rain in the summer this year worsened the situation with potato production in some regions of the country.
In addition, other vegetables, such as carrots and cabbage, have also increased in price. The cost of cabbage increased by 20-25%, which was also the result of a low harvest due to bad weather in the summer. Carrots rose by 15%, and the price of beets remained stable, but still added to the total cost of the borscht set.
These increases in the cost of products can be explained by several reasons. First, despite the government's efforts, the inflation situation in Ukraine remains difficult, and this is inevitably reflected in product prices. Second, the shortage of labor at agricultural enterprises, associated with the war and mobilization, also affected production processes, which affected the quantity of the harvest.
Due to these changes, the cost of a traditional borscht set for a family of 4 people has increased by 50-60 hryvnias, which is a significant burden on the budget of many Ukrainian families. If a year ago it cost about 80-90 hryvnias to prepare borscht, now this figure can reach 140 hryvnias.
The rise in prices for borscht ingredients poses new economic challenges for Ukrainians, as the popular dish is no longer so affordable. At the same time, most Ukrainians strive to preserve traditions and cook borscht, which has become part of the national culture. For many families, it is not just food, but also a symbol of unity and traditions, which are important even in times of economic difficulties. Given this situation, the government and agricultural policy experts are calling for active support for the development of agriculture and an increase in the production of key products. This could help stabilize prices and ensure the availability of basic products for the population, including those needed to prepare borscht.
Адрес новости: http://agrinews.com.ua/show/341238.html
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