Restoration of soil fertility without fertilizers: effective methods

09 окт, 18:03

In order to obtain a good harvest, it is important to regularly fertilize the soil on homestead plots. However, if you don't have the necessary fertilizers or humus, you shouldn't despair - siderates can come to the rescue. These plants are able not only to restore soil fertility, but also to enrich it with useful elements.

The choice of siderates depends on the gardener's goals. If the main goal is to increase the nitrogen content in the soil, it is worth stopping at legumes such as peas or soybeans. They actively fix nitrogen from the atmosphere, which will positively affect the soil structure. Cereal plants, as well as buckwheat, can also be useful, because they improve the structure of the upper layer of the soil.

Another important aspect is the destruction of plant residues. Experienced gardeners often spread straw over plots, promoting faster decomposition. For this, various accelerators are used, which saturate the earth with organic matter and nitrogen, which helps to increase its fertility.

It is also worth paying attention to humates and mineral fertilizers. These substances actively improve soil fertility, and their use can be useful in combination with siderates. In particular, humates are able to improve the structure of the soil and increase its moisture-retaining properties.

In addition, live fertilizers such as earthworms play an important role in improving fertility. These little creatures provide aeration and drainage of the soil, contributing to its saturation with oxygen. According to experienced gardeners, earthworms not only aerate the soil, but also fertilize it with the remains of their life products, which makes the soil more fertile.

Using these methods will help you effectively restore soil fertility without the use of chemical fertilizers, which, in turn, will contribute to obtaining a high-quality and environmentally friendly harvest. It is important to remember that healthy soil is the key to successful plant growth, so you should pay attention to its preservation and improvement.

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