Tips for protecting the garden from pests in autumn

02 окт, 18:04

The autumn season is not only a time of harvest, but also a critical period for preparing the garden for winter and protecting it from pests and diseases. Many pathogens and insects persist on fallen leaves, tree bark, or in the soil even during cold weather. That is why autumn gardening is extremely important to ensure the health of plants in the coming year.

During the spring and summer, plants can be damaged by various pests and diseases. With the approach of winter, these dangerous creatures hide in the bark, soil or on fallen leaves, and with the onset of spring they become active. Autumn treatment aims to destroy these unwanted guests, which reduces the risk of their activity in the spring.

In order to successfully protect your garden in the fall, it is important to know what treatments you can use. One of the effective options is the Bordeaux mixture. It is a fungicide that fights fungal diseases such as scab, powdery mildew and fruit rot. It is recommended to use a 3% solution after the leaves fall to treat trees.

Another important tool is urea (urea), which performs several functions. It not only destroys wintering pests and pathogens, but also serves as a high-quality nitrogen fertilizer. Urea promotes better assimilation of other fertilizers and disinfects the soil. To treat trees and trunk circles, dilute 500-700 g of urea in 10 liters of water. The optimal time for this treatment is the end of October and the beginning of November, when all the leaves have already fallen and the plants are at rest.

Some important recommendations when processing the garden: be sure to read the instructions before using the drugs; carry out processing in dry and windless weather so that the solutions are not washed away by rain; protect hands and eyes when spraying, and wash hands thoroughly with soap afterwards. Also, remember to use different sprayers for fertilizers and pesticides to avoid mixing them up.

Autumn gardening is a key stage in the care of fruit trees and bushes. Using Bordeaux mixture, urea and other preparations, you can not only protect your garden from pests and diseases, but also ensure a bountiful harvest in the next season. This will ensure you have healthy plants and a bountiful harvest next year.

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