State support for horticulture: two agricultural enterprises received UAH 7.3 million for development

01 окт, 13:04

Within the framework of the "eRobota" government program aimed at supporting small and medium-sized businesses, two agricultural enterprises of Ukraine received grant assistance in the amount of 7.3 million hryvnias. Funds have been allocated for the development of horticulture, berry growing and viticulture, which is part of the state initiative for the development of the agricultural sector.

According to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, since the beginning of 2024, 88 agricultural producers have already received a total of UAH 363.6 million in grants. Of this amount, 63 enterprises received UAH 242.1 million specifically for the development of horticulture, berry growing and viticulture, which indicates the priority of these directions in the state strategy.

In addition, 25 enterprises received UAH 121.5 million for the development of greenhouse farming. This initiative is designed to contribute not only to the increase in the number of products on the domestic market, but also to the improvement of the quality of agricultural products and the expansion of Ukraine's export potential.

Within the framework of the program, since its inception, over 1.1 billion hryvnias of grant aid has been provided to 240 agricultural enterprises. Of this amount, UAH 779.3 million is aimed at supporting 184 farms engaged in horticulture, berry growing and viticulture. This confirms the important role of these sectors in the overall strategy for the development of the country's agrarian industry.

UAH 289.3 million was allocated for the development of greenhouses for 56 agricultural enterprises, which shows the importance of modernization and expansion of greenhouse farming as one of the key branches of production of fresh vegetables and greens.

The YeRobota program remains an important element of agribusiness support, stimulating the development of strategically important areas of the agricultural sector. Thanks to such initiatives, Ukraine continues to strengthen its position on the world market of agricultural products and contribute to the development of the national economy.

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