Early potato varieties show higher yields in the 2024 season

26 сен, 22:43

Early potato varieties show higher yields in the 2024 season

In the 2024 season, agronomists note a significant breakthrough in the yield of early potato varieties compared to late ones. In Ukraine, where potatoes are the main crop, early varieties have shown better results thanks to favorable weather conditions and improved farming techniques.

This year, early varieties of potatoes, which are usually grown at the beginning of the season, showed a noticeable increase in yield. This is explained not only by the positive weather conditions of spring and summer, but also by the improvement of cultivation and soil processing technologies. It was noted that the average yields of early varieties exceed the results of previous years by 15-20%.

Late varieties of potatoes, which are usually harvested later in the season, could not boast the same results. This is due to several factors, including unfavorable weather conditions in mid-summer and autumn, as well as possible problems with diseases and pests, which affected the quality and quantity of the crop.

Studies have also shown that early varieties of potatoes have a higher resistance to drought and temperature fluctuations, which makes them less vulnerable to changes in weather. This allows agronomists to obtain a more stable and high-quality harvest, even in conditions of unpredictable climatic changes.

However, it is important to note that the late varieties of potatoes, although showing a lower yield this year, still remain important to the diets of the population because they have a longer storage period and can be used for various culinary purposes. Therefore, agronomists recommend combining the cultivation of early and late varieties to achieve the optimal result.

In the future, agronomists plan to continue research to increase the yield and quality of potatoes. An important direction will be the improvement of varieties that can combine the best qualities of early and late crops, as well as the development of new cultivation technologies to ensure yield stability regardless of weather conditions.

Адрес новости: http://agrinews.com.ua/show/340683.html

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