The most useful types of cheese: Rating and health benefits

17 сен, 18:04

Cheese is one of the most loved foods in the world, but it is often controversial. Nutritionists recommend avoiding it due to its high calorie, fat, potassium and lactose content. However, cheese has many useful properties, which are confirmed by doctors and nutritionists. This is reported by TSN.

Cheese contains many vitamins, proteins and minerals, as well as prebiotics, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the intestines. Despite some concerns about potassium content, most cheeses provide only 10-25% of the daily value of this element — much less than, for example, bananas. As for calories, most types of cheese are no more caloric than red fish or avocado.

It is important to remember that cheese does not harm health if consumed in moderation, within 30-50 grams per day. In particular, cheese supports the health of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, has an anti-inflammatory effect due to the content of potassium, calcium, sodium, zinc, riboflavin, as well as B and PP vitamins.

Here are the types of cheese that are the most useful for health:

Parmesan. This cheese is considered one of the most useful due to its high content of calcium and phosphorus. Parmesan is very low in fat and high in protein. It is kept for up to 36 months, which significantly reduces the level of lactose in the product. This makes it an excellent choice for those looking to get the most out of cheese without excessive lactose.

Mozzarella. This cheese ranks second in terms of usefulness. Mozzarella is rich in proteins, calcium and prebiotics, and also contains B vitamins. Doctors recommend it to anyone who has problems with the heart and blood vessels, because this product helps to strengthen immunity and has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Feta. Greek feta cheese, made from goat's milk, rounded out the top three. Feta contains potassium, calcium, sodium, zinc and B vitamins, which have a positive effect on all body systems. Doctors advise those who follow diets to use feta, because this cheese does not harm the figure. It is best eaten with vegetables and olive oil dressing.

Thus, choosing the right type of cheese can be beneficial not only for taste preferences, but also for health. Remember to use moderation and enjoy the beneficial properties of cheese.

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