31 июл, 18:05
Although coffee beans are known for their high antioxidant activity, which protects the body from various diseases, a new study has revealed a possible unexpected side effect of coffee consumption. According to the results of a study conducted at the German Aerospace Center in Cologne, caffeine can increase the negative effects of chronic lack of sleep on the gray matter of the brain. This is reported by TSN.
The study, which lasted nine days, took part in 36 healthy adults who were accustomed to low caffeine consumption. The participants were divided into two groups: one received caffeinated coffee and the other received decaffeinated coffee. Throughout the experiment, the researchers measured the brain's gray matter volume using MRI and PET scans, including periods of chronic sleep restriction.
The results showed that chronic sleep restriction led to significant changes in gray matter volume, and caffeine consumption also had an effect on these changes. Participants who did not consume caffeine during sleep restriction showed increased gray matter volume in several brain regions, which may indicate the body's compensatory response to sleep loss.
However, in those who consumed caffeine, these changes were less pronounced. The researchers found that the extent of these changes was also influenced by individual differences in the number of adenosine receptors: lower levels of the receptors correlated with greater reductions in gray matter volume.
The study revealed a complex relationship between sleep, caffeine and brain structure. It turned out that caffeine consumption can interfere with brain plasticity mechanisms that are activated during sleep loss. However, the authors of the study point to the limitations of the work, in particular the small sample size and the specificity of the genetic profiles of the participants, which may affect the results.
These findings highlight the importance of further research to better understand the effects of caffeine on the brain and its function, especially in conditions of chronic sleep deprivation.
Адрес новости: http://agrinews.com.ua/show/340279.html
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