Ukrainian ports increased cargo handling by 68% in the first half of 2024

05 июл, 13:07

Ukrainian ports demonstrated a significant increase in the volume of cargo transshipment in the first half of 2024. During this period, the six operating ports handled 52.7 million tons of cargo, which is 68% more compared to the same period last year. This was announced by the chairman of the tax committee of the Verkhovna Rada, Danylo Hetmantsev.

More than 63.5% of the total volume of transshipment is the products of the agro-industrial complex, and more than 36% is the products of other industries, in particular, the mining and metallurgical complex. Such growth became possible after the rejection of the Istanbul grain initiative, which limited the export of agricultural products from three Black Sea ports and was gradually inhibited by Russia.

During the first half of 2023, through the Istanbul initiative, it was possible to export 10.4 million tons of agricultural products in the first quarter and 5.7 million tons in the second quarter. However, exports came to a near standstill in July, particularly due to Russia's blockade, which resulted in exports of only 0.26 million tons of products.

The rest of the products managed to be exported through the Danube Corridor, but even with record volumes, it could not fully satisfy the needs of Ukraine. This made it necessary to find alternative solutions to preserve economic stability and ensure the export of products.

Danylo Hetmantsev noted that the decision to leave the Istanbul Grain Initiative and create its own maritime corridor was strategically correct. This allowed Ukraine to ship products of any nomenclature, and vessels can move freely and non-stop, without the need to undergo humiliating double inspections and obtaining permits.

This innovation contributes to the stabilization of the economic situation in the country and ensures the needs of international partners for the products of Ukrainian manufacturers. This step not only improves the country's logistical capabilities, but also increases its economic independence and ability to effectively respond to external challenges.

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