Forecast of cultivated areas in Ukraine for 5.6 million hectares for 2024: what the agricultural sector expects

07 апр, 22:38

Forecast of cultivated areas in Ukraine for 5.6 million hectares for 2024: what the agricultural sector expects

In Ukraine, in 2024, the sown area is planned at the level of 5.6 million hectares. This figure reflects the estimates of the agricultural sector regarding the amount of crops for the next agricultural season. It is anticipated that this number may increase or decrease depending on many factors, such as weather conditions, market trends and resource availability.

According to the data of the Ministry of Agro-industrial Development and Food of Ukraine, in 2023 the sown area amounted to 5.7 million hectares. Next season's forecast of 5.6 million hectares reflects a slight decrease in crop production compared to the previous year.

Planning of sown areas is an important part of the country's agricultural development strategy. Determining the optimal crop size allows farms to maximize crop yield and profitability, ensuring stability in agriculture.

Despite certain fluctuations in the sown area, Ukraine remains one of the largest producers of grain crops in the world. An important factor in the cultivation of agricultural crops in the country is also the support of the state, which provides assistance in the form of subsidies and other measures to support the agricultural sector.

Cereal production is expected to remain stable in 2024. However, it is worth considering that the influence of various factors, such as weather and price conditions, can change the forecasted production volumes.

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