15 мар, 18:01
Taking good care of currants in spring is the key to an excellent harvest of tasty and healthy berries in summer. In the spring, proper pruning, pest control, and fertilization are crucial.
Currants need attention and care, especially after a long winter. It is important to start work in time in the spring to prepare the plant for the new growing season. Over time, many summer residents have become accustomed to ignoring this point, but without proper care, the quality and quantity of the crop can deteriorate.
Regardless of the variety of currant, the bushes need special attention after winter. Starting in the spring, before budding, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the ground of fallen leaves, debris and mulch residues, as harmful larvae can hide under them. It is also recommended to make trunk rings, thoroughly loosen the soil and remove the first weeds.
To preserve moisture and nourish the plants, mulching the trunk stakes is recommended. This technique will help to avoid frequent watering, retain moisture in the soil and prevent weeds.
Currant pruning is carried out in spring or autumn, taking into account the characteristics of the variety. The main rule when pruning is not to harm the plant. In spring, it is recommended to prune the bushes before the sap flow begins to avoid injury.
During pruning, you should carefully examine the bush and remove all rotten, weak and dead branches. It is recommended to form a bush taking into account the characteristics of each variety of currant.
To protect against pests, preventive treatment is carried out. One of the most common pests is the kidney mite. When pruning, pay attention to loose, swollen buds where pest larvae may be located. To combat ticks and other pests, it is recommended to use herbal infusions and decoctions that not only effectively protect but also nourish the plant.
Адрес новости: http://agrinews.com.ua/show/339206.html
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