MHP: Leading role in paying taxes in agriculture

04 фев, 18:37

MHP: Leading role in paying taxes in agriculture

Myronivskyi Hliboprodukt (MHP) is recognized as a leader among agricultural enterprises in paying taxes, setting an example of effective financial management in the agricultural sector. According to the latest data provided by the State Fiscal Service, MHP contributes significantly to the country's budget due to its high-quality financial discipline.

In 2023, the enterprises of the MHP company transferred more than UAH 6 billion to the budgets of all levels in the form of tax assessments, contributions and fees.

The company is ahead of competitors in the placement of tax funds, ensuring stable growth of economic indicators of the agricultural sector. Innovative approaches to financial management allow MHP to efficiently use resources and contribute to maintaining economic sustainability in agriculture.

It is important to note that MHP actively invests in improving technologies and increasing productivity. This contributes to an increase in production, which in turn leads to an increase in profits and, accordingly, to larger sums in tax payments.

The success of MHP in the field of paying taxes is also related to ensuring high standards of corporate responsibility. The company not only pays taxes, but also actively participates in social and charitable initiatives, contributing to the development of local communities.

Thanks to its approach to financial management and commitment to the principles of corporate responsibility, MHP continues to leave behind its mark in the development of agriculture and becomes an example for other agrarian enterprises that seek to achieve economic success in a responsible and sustainable way.

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