25 янв, 17:05
During the second ten-day period of winter in Ukraine, winter crops continue to be in a state of winter dormancy, according to the ten-day review of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center.
It was noted that even during the most intense cold weather, when the minimum air temperature was -14-24°C, the minimum soil temperature at the depth of the tillering node of winter crops remained at -3-7°C, which is above the critical values for freezing.
Experts note only some areas of the Kyiv region where the temperature briefly dropped to -9°C. Such conditions were critical for freezing of winter barley, rapeseed and underdeveloped winter wheat. The duration of such drops lasted 1-2 days.
According to agrometeorologists, the critical freezing temperatures for different winter crops are as follows:
Winter wheat (germination stage - 3rd leaf): -11-13°C; (tillering phase): -13-15°C.
Winter rye: -14-16°C.
Winter barley and winter rape: -9-11°C.
Agrometeorologists also noted 4 mm thick ice crust in some fields in Mykolaiv region due to temperature fluctuations. However, in other areas where ice crust was also observed, it was destroyed.
Адрес новости: http://agrinews.com.ua/show/338805.html
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