Record winter wheat yield: Kernel shows almost 70% growth compared to last year

18 авг, 17:05

Kernel Agro Holding is completing a successful early grain harvesting campaign covering an area of 70 thousand hectares.

The company's press service reports that this year's winter wheat yield, depending on the region where its cluster is located, ranged from 5.8 to 7.3 tons per hectare. It is important to note that the weighted average yield of this crop was almost 70% higher than last year.

Even on the post-harvest areas, Kernel continues to implement ambitious programs of biologization of agriculture in Ukraine. An important aspect of this approach is to maintain biodiversity and improve soil fertility, for which purpose we have already sown cover crops on an area of 22 thousand hectares.

The company is also actively researching and testing the effectiveness of different mixtures of cover crops on perennial plots. Scientists are studying the impact of these crops on the physical and chemical characteristics of the soil, microbiological activity and phytosanitary condition of the fields. All of this research is being conducted to prepare for the future of the agricultural sector and ensure food security around the world.

It is worth mentioning that in the fourth quarter of the financial year 2022/23, which ended on June 30, Kernel agricultural holding sold 312.72 thousand tons of oil, which is a fivefold increase compared to the same period last year.

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