What Are the Best Commercial Grow Lights?

13 июл, 17:20

LED grow lights are very popular today, although not so long ago, incandescent and fluorescent lamps were in use. They are bought less often today as they have a number of disadvantages if compared to LED ones.

What are the best commercial grow lights? Why do people actively use them? Try to get more info.

Incandescent Lamps

They are cheap and simple in design. The first disadvantage is that 98% of the energy consumed by the lamp will be dissipated as heat, that is, the efficiency of such a lamp as a lighting device is only 2%. The second disadvantage is the short lifetime. Incandescent lamps need replacement too often.

Fluorescent Lamps

Such light bulbs use significantly less electricity compared to incandescent lamps and serve several times longer.

At first, the consumers were very pleased with the new characteristics of such lamps. But a little later, disadvantages were discovered:

The consumers realized that they needed to look for other options. A safe lamp with a long lifetime and good color rendering would be ideal. It was LED grow lights that positively resolved this issue.

LED Grow Lights

Their advantages are obvious:

Use LED grow lights from RedBud Soil Company in your home or office and you will see that your decision is right!


Адрес новости: http://agrinews.com.ua/show/323584.html

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