Muscle gain diet basics for men

20 ìàð, 18:46

How much protein, fat and carbohydrate you need to consume per day for weight gain. How often to eat. Nutrition before and after training.

A beautiful figure is hard work and strict adherence to the sports regime. Such postulates are known to all people who train in the gym. But the more experienced ones also know about bodybuilding blog. Namely, training accounts for no more than 20-25% of success. Nutrition for gaining muscle mass and proper recovery make up its lion's share!

No, for this it is not necessary to treat yourself to exotic dishes, calculating each calorie. It is possible to gain quality mass in the forced mode with the help of all that is in an ordinary refrigerator!

Meat Diet for Meat Growth

First you need to understand what the muscles need the most for their growth. The main building material of this type of body tissue is protein. Accordingly, a diet for gaining muscle mass for a man should be based on protein nutrition.

Protein should be mainly of animal origin (80-90%). Vegetable proteins (beans and some cereals) do not contain a large amount of amino acids in their composition, therefore they will not be as effective as meat, fish and dairy dishes, but it is still worthwhile to include them in the diet.

A nutrition program for gaining muscle mass requires a minimum of 2-2.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. With a weight of 60 kg, you should eat at least 120 grams of protein daily.

It is also not recommended to consume more than 30-40 grams of protein at a time. A larger one-time amount will not be trivially assimilated and will be lost in the bowels of the sewage system, but will not go to the growth of muscle mass.

Carbohydrates for Proteins

It would be a big mistake to consider that the consumption of the basic building material of muscle in the form of protein will be enough for their growth. After all, the body needs several conditions (except for the training itself) for the development of muscle tissue:

We will talk about the last point of the diet for gaining mass a little later, but now we focus on the second - energy. The traditional source of its production is carbohydrates. Therefore, without them in his diet, an athlete gaining mass can not do without it.

The process of protein assimilation, its breakdown into amino acids, followed by building muscles from them, is very resource-intensive for the body. If carbohydrates are not consumed enough, then a significant portion of the proteins simply will not be absorbed and will pass through the digestive tract in the direction of the toilet.

A diet plan for muscle gain is required to include a sufficient amount of carbohydrates. How much exactly? It depends on the physique. If we take the averaged values, then 1-6 grams of carbohydrates should be consumed per 1 kg of body weight per day . That is, with a body weight of 60 kg, a daily portion of carbohydrates will be at least 240 grams.

It is important to consider their sources. Carbohydrates are:

Proper nutrition during weight gain should be more based on slow nutrients. Otherwise, excess sugar will accumulate in the blood, passing into the adipose tissue.

One exception for fast carbohydrates is the post-training period. Immediately after training, they can be used for the quickest replenishment of energy reserves and better absorption of protein.


Fat intake should also not be forgotten. A competent nutrition program for mass gain is required to contain them, even if it seems completely wild and illogical.

This is not about unhealthy fats from refried butter or sausages. Such fat will bring nothing but an increase in the waist. But healthy fats, like Omega 3-6-9, greatly boost anabolic processes in the body.

The substances in them are involved in the production of hormones - testosterone and others. Therefore, in conditions of their deficiency in the body, the necessary background for muscle growth will simply not be formed.

Healthy fats are in:

Nutrition for the mass for men should contain a sufficient amount of seafood. They contain a large amount of zinc - a structural element of the same hormone testosterone.

You should not forget about other vitamins with minerals. Each of them is involved in metabolism. Here is a short list:

So do not ignore fruits and vegetables in the diet if you want to build proper nutrition for weight gain.

Food schedule

Having dealt with the quantity and quality of the products, it's time to discuss their practical application.

The nutrition schedule for gaining muscle mass has one unconditional general position - you need to eat often, but in relatively small portions . It is better to forget about the classic breakfast-lunch-dinner scheme and switch to 5-6 meals a day.

Why? Because of the large portions of food will not be absorbed completely. There will be a considerable amount of substances that only load the stomach. But small amounts of food will be processed entirely for the needs of the body and bring more benefits.

Meal time

With the number of servings per day, we figured out, it's time to estimate their time of admission. In principle, a nutritional schedule for gaining muscle mass does not require you to sit down at the table for hours. All portions can be evenly distributed over time. The exception is only 2 points - before the training and, more importantly, after the training:

It makes sense to talk about evening meals. It predictably eliminates a large amount of carbohydrates (your body simply does not need energy during sleep). But as proteins it is worth paying attention to the slow sources of protein - cottage cheese or cheese. They will continue to saturate muscles with amino acids even at night.


As it turned out, nutrition in gaining muscle mass for men does not require an exquisite menu. Meat, fish, cereals and dairy products - this is the base that should be eaten.

It is much more important to monitor sufficient amounts of proteins and carbohydrates, as well as their timely use for muscle growth.


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